Mother and two children picking daffodils

Village Flower Farm


Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry Sports & Recreation Agriculture Agriculture Florists


Bring your friends & family to make happy memories while picking your own flower bouquet. The Village Flower Farm is the only you-pick flower farm in Yellow Springs. Connect with your favorite people while picking flowers. Our family-owned flower farm is open seasonally Spring-Fall. Season starts with daffodils and tulips in early spring.


Mother and two children picking daffodils
Grandmother, mother, and two girls hold a bucket of flowers
A young girl wearing a striped dress holds a basket of flowers while looking for another flower to pick
Three teenage girls hold a bucket of flowers they picked
Many yellow daffodils
Tulips of many colors
A monarch butterfly


Laura Skidmore

AgricultureAgriculture, Fishing & ForestrySports & Recreation
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