Rose & Sal

Rose & Sal

Rose & Sal Vintage Antique Consignment Garmint Boutique Fashion Apparel

Rose & Sal


Clothing Shop/Boutique Entertainment Services Arts/Artists Gifts & Toys Books/Comics/Records Hardware & Household Goods Arts, Culture & Entertainment Home & Garden Shopping & Specialty Retail Sports & Recreation Art Galleries Arts & Crafts Event Planning Entertainment Clothing/Shoes Drug & Variety Stores Gifts & Specialty Items Hardware Office Furniture & Supplies Photographers/Photo Finishing/Framing Shopping Centers Carpets & Interiors Home Furnishings Interior Design Landscaping Antiques/Estate Sales/Consignments Books & Stationery Childrens Clothing/Toys Dance Sporting Goods Downtown Merchants


Rose and Sal and Garmint Boutique are a local family owned Vintage Clothing and Antique Furniture and Houseware Consignment Shop that hosts Iconic Community Events in our 1914 Village Ford Building located in Yellow Springs, Ohio, U.S.A. We specialize in quality crafted and designed antique and collectibles, including clothing and accessories, gear, prints, books, furniture, tableware, ceramics, glass, wall art, tools, hardware, barware, kitchen utensils, appliances and more, including Gyamerah African Imports. Our inventory, displays and music are constantly evolving; Come check out Garmint and Rose & Sal today! for more info about the Coolest Vintage Shop in the World!

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Business Hours : Open 6 Days per week


Rose & Sal storefront gray building with fuscia sign

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